Dream Tech Stack for E-commerce with top eCommerce tech startups of Barcelona



On the 20th of July, we organised our last event before the summer break. Aside from the dynamic roundtable discussions, thanks to our moderator Tim Çakir, we also enjoyed a thriving networking session with some mandatory cool beers. 

For this roundtable, we wanted to create a more enriching experience for the attendees, which is why we brought together two other marketing tech automation startups: Vidjet and Spitche, with their corresponding CEOs and co-founders Baptiste Nicolas and Kevin Markowski. Representing Frizbit, we had our CEO and co-founder Ata Gür on the stage. 

Keep on reading if you want to grasp the key takeaways from this event.

Spoiler alert: Our moderator, Tim Cakir, did not hold back in any of his questions!

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The moderator: Tim Cakir and the speakers: Ata Gur, Kevin Markowski and Baptiste Nicolas

Previously, we stated we wanted to provide value to our audience, which is why throughout the roundtable, we discussed the future and trends for eCommerce, the changes they had faced in the customer journey, and how the solutions of each of the speakers add value to any online store owner.

“The right time, the right place and the right audience.” quote by Tim Çakir.

If we were to highlight a key phrase to get the core of the event, this would definitely be it. Any marketer, eCommerce manager, or anyone involved with digital businesses will agree to the veracity of this quote. The tools and answers from the roundtable will help you accomplish this goal, so without further due, let’s dive into the main insights from the event.


Quick guide: Essential Tools for eCommerce Automation

Imagen de FrizbitPexels/ Andrea Piacquadio


Answering the question of “how any of these tech solutions can help the industry”, the main insights were the following:


  • If you are looking for ways to humanize and make more “tangible” your products/your brand in the online space, then a shoppable video app like Vidjet is your way to go. This tool will also help you get closer to your customers in the crucial purchasing decision moments through honest video content.
  • If you are looking for ways to improve trustability and boost your engagement with social proof, this is what you need for your business. Spitche works with brand ambassadors from your own community in a win-to-win environment.
  • Last but not least, if you are looking for a way to engage with registered and non-registered customers without ads and bring them back to your site, then the Frizbit automation system is the tool you require. Its hyper-personalisation, multi-device communication, cookieless operation and consumer-behaviour patterns are what make this tool so attractive for online business owners.


If you haven’t started to automate your business with the marketing tech available at the moment, you are losing on ways to scale and be more profitable. Each of these solutions targets a different pain point that normally an online consumer can face. By addressing and acting at the right moment, we are sure your online business will get the push to reach the next level.
At the moment, at Frizbit, we offer a demo of our retargeting solution. You can apply directly here and be eligible for a one-month free trial.

What is changing in the customer journey scenery?


Constant changes and a fast-paced lifestyle are the new normal. Therefore, we should expect that customers are changing their patterns and behaviours too in their purchase journey. 

During the event, this was one of the questions that Tim asked the speakers, and from it, we can take that there are changes from the pre-purchase to the post-purchase. Let’s see what this is about.

Consuming less is the new trend, and from the pre-purchase phase, users want to be sure of what they are purchasing. If we have an eCommerce, it isn’t enough to only display pictures of our products anymore. It simply might not be enough.

So, what can you do to reassure your customers? 

Try implementing dimensional strategies such as on-face preview tools and videos showcasing the different textures -if that’s the case. And why not? Integrate the usage of augmented reality to create more real-life-like experiences.


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Roundtable moments with moderator and speakers


The second change we can experience in the online customer journey purchase is the announced C2C era. It stands for “Connect to Customer”, and the truth is, it couldn’t be more accurate. 

The new C2C era stands for more sustainable and long-lasting relationships, which ultimately translates into finding tools to engage with customers on deeper levels. 

What does it look like from an eCommerce perspective? 

Now more than ever, placing your products in front of the best customers is imperative. One of the ways to achieve this is by enhancing the UGC. The biggest lesson we take from the roundtable is that within your existing customers, you can find superfans hidden in your audience, and they can boost your conversion rates through values such as honesty, trustability and transparency. These are all values that the now-a-day consumer demands.


Lastly, one of the biggest shifts the online space is facing is undoubtedly related to the privacy of users. This is imminent, and the biggest challenge we are facing is undergoing the ‘cookieless’ era. Reaching and accessing your customers could get really tough if you are not prepared for it. 

If you are not allowed to conduct retargeting with ads any more, how will you be able to boost your sales? Using cookieless strategies such as web push notifications will not only allow you to stay in line with the new data regulations. It will also allow you to talk to your customers in real-time, even if they are not on your site. So, say hi to multi-device messaging!


How does the future of eCommerce look like?

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Two words: harmonisation and humanisation.

Creating in-sync customer journeys is essential to any online business that wants to thrive in the digital world. Nowadays, customers have more dynamic and complex behavioural patterns. This is why, if you run an eCommerce business, being present at different touchpoints and devices along the journey is crucial. 

Automation tools can become your best ally, helping you display the right message to the right customer at the right time. We hear this constantly, but it is true, and what’s best is that you don’t need to figure it all out on your own. There are already existing tools that track behavioural data for you to connect to your customers in a timely manner.

With automation, we always face the risk of losing the spark of the human touch. This is why, for the future of eCommerce, it is now necessary to find ways that resonate with users and speak directly to them. Some of the ways we learned at the event are the usage of video messages created by people for people, hyper-personalised messages and peer-to-peer connections. 


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Dream Tech Stack Roundtable


Key takeaways:

  • The future of eCommerce is changing within 3 pillars: privacy, authentic online experiences, and the appearance of the C2C era.
  • Connecting to a deeper level with customers is essential. Some great tools to do it are hyper-personalised messages, human and kind video messages, and enhancing your UGC.

  • If used correctly, the tech marketing tools can help you boost your eCommerce. Using marketing automation tools isn’t equivalent to delivering cold messaging to your audience.

  • Harmonisation is crucial to any eCommerce that wants to adapt to the dynamic and fast-paced environment


Having said this, we would like to thank everyone who took part in this experience and made it possible. Special thanks to our speakers, moderator, and Áticco Working Spaces for their collaboration and continuous support.


If you missed the event and want to catch up with the latest digital marketing strategies and tools using first-party data, the replay of the session is available here.


We hope to see you at our next event ?




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