
Email Marketing Automation

Boost sales, loyalty, and engagement by crafting data-driven personalised email campaigns, all under a drag-and-drop editor

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Email Marketing Automation by Frizbit

Web Push Notifications

Engage with non-registered users and bring them back with hyper personalised and behavioural notifications.

Web Push Notification Service by Frizbit

Why implementing an email marketing solution?

Smart Segmentation

Engage and target hundreds of users on a one-to-one level with personalised emails tailored for each recipient. Streamline the segmentation process to achieve tailored communications in just minutes.

Outstanding Emails

Say goodbye to boring, static emails. Instead, build emails with hyper-personalisation in mind by using dynamic fields and layouts with the drag-and-drop editor. This will help you to engage and target your users more effectively, ultimately resulting in increased user attention.

AI led product recommendation

Recover lost sales and increase purchase frequency through cart abandonment and product recommendation emails that are relevant. Implement AI-infused recommendations based on the recent buying behaviour from each user.

Email marketing solution example


Dynamic fieldsAI-based RecommendationsNative Opt-in Web Push Notifications

Automation in e-mail marketing: send hyper-personalised campaings that convert

Targeted e-mail marketing campaigns, send at the right time, with the right message, has the potential to increase sales.

 A single automated email campaign can be relevant to your users throughout the purchase journey.

Increase sales and build loyalty through product recommendation emails

Using AI for product recommendation through email marketing for eCommerce can help businesses increase customer engagement, loyalty, and purchase frequency.

With an email marketing tool, you can provide personalised product and cart recommendations to customers based on their past purchases and interests, making the recommendations more relevant to them and in turn, increasing sales.


e-mail marketing tools for product recommendation

Use cases of email marketing

B2B SaaS
Email Marketing Software Example

Cart Abandonment

e-mail marketing tools for product recommendation

Product Recommendation

Email Marketing Example - Back to Stock

 Back to stock

Email Marketing Example - Booking Retargeting

Booking abandonment

Email Marketing Campaign Example - Cross-sell


Email Marketing Automation Example - Price Alerts

Price Alerts

Email Marketing Automation Example - Retargeting Based on Filters

Retargeting based on filters

Email Marketing Automation Example - News

Similar listing recommendation

Email Marketing Automation Example - Newsletters and Updates

Newsletter & Updates

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Imagen de Frizbit

Periodical Results

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Upgrade Trial


Customizable Design

Notify box consists of 5 main elements:
Logo, Headline, Description, “Allow” button, “Ask me later” button.
The logo field will be populated by your company logo in your account. You can customize the background colour and text colour of the buttons to match the general design of your website.

Customizable Content

You can customize all the content on Notify Box. The text for headline and description as well as the text of the buttons. Headline and description fields are important, because your users will make a decision based on your explanations and call to actions on these fields. You can also add emoji’s to your buttons to make them more appealing.

Triggering Rule Set

Every business and website have a different audience. So a single triggering rule might not be ideal for every business. That’s why Frizbit have developed different customization features around triggering the Notify Box.

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With this channel you can expect

Why email marketing from Frizbit?

Agile Hyper-Personalised emails

Spend less time sifting through data and more time sending semi-personalized emails. By leveraging Frizbit’s AI algorithm, you can reach thousands of subscribers more efficiently and more accurately with hyper-personalised content and recommendations.

Automated Manual & Massive Campaigns

Whether your business needs to send scheduled, recurring emails or creating user sequences based on the user’s behaviour, rest assure that your emails are set to go. We guarantee deliverability and no spam policy.

Connect on autopilot to your CRM

Easily grow your contact list in your CRM system and make sure that all your contacts are up-to-date. Save time and team efforts with this seamlessly integration capability.

How Email Marketing has helped
you improve?

Reseña de automatización de eCommece de Frizbit
Kevin Manley
Ecommerce & Digital Marketing Manager

“Cart abandonment email campaigns achieved a CR of over 4% achieved a CR of over 4%, while we continue to see excellent results in web push notification campaigns. It was a great complement to our marketing strategy. Congratulations to the whole team for this achievement!”

All case studies
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Email Marketing Automation: Frequently Asked Questions