Best Web Push Notification Service & Tools in 2024

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Best Web Push Notification Service & Tools

Did you know that using a web push notification service can boost your app engagement up to 88% while boosting your ROI in the next 30 days? 

If you find this tool interesting, make sure to keep reading this blog, where you will find important insights about web push notification service and tools.

Following we cover topics such us: what is a web push notification service, advantages of using web push notification tools, and a list of the best web push notification platforms in the market where you can compare their features, pricing, and target market

1.  Web Push Notification Service

Web Push notification tools are crucial for digital engagement, it offers a direct line of communication to users’ devices, such as smartphones and laptops.

These notifications are instantaneous, and can include a mix of text and media, and are tailored to keep users informed about updates such as news, promotions, or reminders about abandoned products in their shopping carts. 

If you are wondering how a web push notification would look from a user perspective, here are some examples: 

Laptop Preview

Web Push Notification service example in laptop

Mobile Devices

Web push notification service example in mobile

Web Push notifications keep revolutionising the digital marketing industry and continues to improve how businesses interact with their audience, providing a substantial return on investment, so it’s important for marketers to apply a web push notification service in their marketing strategies.

If you want to know more details about web push notifications, you can read our blog Web Push Notifications – The Complete Guide .

Now, that we know more about what is a web push notification service, let’s dive deeper into the topic and talk about its efficiency

2. Advantages of using Web Push Notification Service 

Web Push notification tools surpasses traditional marketing channels in both engagement and efficiency.

They boost impressive marketing campaigns open rates of 50% or higher and are less invasive, as they require user opt-in.

Aditionally, it will boost your app engagement up to 88% while boosting your ROI in the next 30 days

This marketing tool is essential for re-engaging users, promoting content directly, and operating independently of app installations, making them accessible through web browsers and mobile devices.

Key Benefits of web push notification service:

  • High Engagement Rates: Web Push notifications see click rates of around 8.5%, far outpacing email’s 2.4%.
  • Immediate Delivery: Users receive notifications in real time, enhancing the timeliness of the message.
  • Broader Reach: Notifications can be sent through a cross-channel method, increasing the potential audience reach.
  • User Retention: Notifications can effectively bring users back, increasing retention rates.
  • Implementation of A/B testing useful for decision-making 
  • Data Base: it helps you to keep track of your marketing campaigns and analyse the results 

3. Web Push Notification Platforms

Here you will find a rundown of some web push notification platforms:


Frizbit web push notification platforms

Frizbit is a cross-channel platform of marketing automation and product recommendation. It offers web push notifications service, email marketing, SMS, and WhatsApp messaging. 


  • Cross-channel platform of marketing automation
  • Offers hyper-personalisation and Bulking sending 
  • Unlimited automation capabilities, from retargeting campaigns to upselling and abandoned cart recovery
  • Seamless integration and user-friendly interface: Designed for marketing professionals.
  • Applies triggered sending notifications based on user behaviour 
  • Usage of dynamic fields.
  • Has a cross-platform compatibility 
  • Audience Segmentation/Targeting/Cohorts without development team involvement. 
  • Includes journeys to marketing campaigns in a full-funnel
  • Includes frequency caps to avoid over-messaging
  • A/B/X testing to refine messaging strategy

Pricing : Frizbit offers a flexible pricing model based on monthly traffic, ensuring a potential return on investment (ROI) of up to 10x. 

With pricing tied to monthly visits, this model is particularly advantageous for long-term use, as it stabilises variable costs

This consistency allows businesses to plan their marketing budgets more effectively, facilitating better financial management and strategic allocation of resources.

Contact the sales team for more information about prices!

Target Market: Frizbit is strategically engineered to empower eCommerce businesses, making it an ideal choice for digital marketing professionals. This user-friendly platform integrates seamlessly with Google Tag Manager, eliminating the need for complex coding and simplifying the user interface.


onesignal customer messaging platform


  • Customer messaging Platform
  • Uses real-time analytics to keep track on how notifications perform as users interact with them
  • A/B testing to refine messaging strategy
  • Segmentation for marketing campaigns 
  • Automated Journeys
  • It uses API and SDKs
  • It adapts its features to Android and iOS 

Pricing: OneSignal, works under a subscriber-based model at a rate of $3 per 1000 subscribers. 

Keep in mind that having more subscribers does not guarantee more revenue as most likely not all subscribers are active. Make sure this pricing model is going to be the right one to help you achieve your ROI in the long run.

To see detailed ROI examples if you choose OneSignal, be sure to read our “OneSignal Pricing” section in our blog Best 4 OneSignal Alternatives in 2024 Blog. 

Target Market: OneSignal is a self-service solution tailored for developers such as iOS, Android, and React Native. 

Industries they work with are: Gaming, News & Media, eCommerce, Mobile, and Fintech. 


Braze customer engagement platform


  • Customer Engagement Platform
  • Offers traditional and emerging marketing channels: email, mobile app messaging, WhatsApp, SMS, web messaging, and media audience sync.   
  • Uses AI-powered tools, such as Magic Wand and Sage AI.
  • Behaviour-based automation, predictive analysis, and A/B testing. 
  • Real-time data collection, analysis, and activation. 
  • Journey Orchestration

Pricing: Braze offers flexible pricing options that vary depending on factors such as the size of the organisation and the level of service required.

*Website requires contacting sales to discuss prices 

Target Market: Financial services, media & entertainment, on-demand services, QSR, retail & eCommerce, and travel & hospitality. 


Firebase app development platform


  • App Development Platform
  • Integrated with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
  • Provides backend services and analytics to keep track on how notifications perform as users interact with them
  • Works with Android, iOS, and web applications
  • Real-time database, authentication, and hosting which are supported by Google Cloud

Pricing: They only offer customized plans based on the business needs. This sounds good but limits you to manage your marketing budget effectively because is undefined.

This model is more convenient for smaller companies that do not require using large amount of resources. 

*Website requires contacting sales to discuss prices 

Target Market: Firebase caters to a diverse range of developers and businesses, from individual app developers to large enterprises. 


icomm unified marketing cloud


  • Unified Marketing Cloud
  • Channels offered: email, SMS, social media, pop-ups and banners, eCommerce APP.
  • Marketing Automation could solution for engagement campaigns and personalisation.
  • Customer Segmentation and Behaviour Analysis
  • Offers analytics and insights about customer interactions.
  • APIs and webhooks 
  • Process data with RFM 

Pricing: They only offer customized plans based on the business needs. This sounds good but limits you to manage your marketing budget effectively because is undefined.

This model is more convenient for smaller companies that do not require using large amount of resources. 

*Website requires contacting sales to discuss prices 

Target Market: Retail, e-commerce, finance, healthcare, travel and hospitality, and telecommunications. 


airship app experience platform


  • App Experience Platform
  • Pioneer in mobile app marketing 
  • Designed to improve user experience of mobile apps. 
  • Offers push notifications, in-app messages and other channels. 
  • It has mobile wallet integration 
  • It has no-code native app experience editing
  • Includes: app store optimisation, unified journey orchestration, content creation, and experimentation.

Pricing: Uses a feature-based pricing model. The AXP Essentials package is ideal for smaller brands, and the AXP Enterprise package is designed for mid-market and enterprise brands

Target Market: Airlines, media, sports, finance, retail, and telecom.

7. Pushwoosh

pushwoosh Omnichannel Customer Engagement Platform


  • Omnichannel Customer Engagement Platform
  • Multi-Channel Messaging including mobile push, web push, in-app messaging, and email. 
  • The platform offers Geozone sending location-based messaging notifications.
  • Automation and personalisation based on user behaviour, preferences, and lifecycle events. 
  • Real-time database
  • Segmentation tools

Pricing: Puswoosh has two pricing options, a custom plan, and free plan with limited capacity for companies with 1k subscribers.

Target Market: eCommerce, Gaming, Media, subscription-based apps, mobility & delivery, fintech, and banking. 

8. CleverTap

CleverTap Engagement Platform


  • Engagement Platform
  • AI-driven segmentation
  • Customer data and analytics
  • Real-time experimentation and optimization
  • Personalization 
  • Campaign orchestration to build omnichannel strategy. 
  • Omnichannel include: push notifications service, email automation, WhatsApp, in-app messaging, web messaging, SMS and signed call. 

Pricing: CleverTap has a pricing plan based on number of monthly active users (MAU).

It includes three plans: Custom, Advanced and Enterprise.

The Essential plan starts at $75 per month for 5,000 active users and a 30-day free plan for enterprises with <20,000 MAU.

Target Market: eCommerce, Subscriber base apps, financial services and Gaming

9. PushEngage

PushEngage Mobile & Web Push Notification Service


  • Mobile & Web Push Notification Service
  • WordPress plugin for setup and management of push notifications 
  • A/B Testing
  • Automatic Drip Campaigns based on user behaviour and preferences 
  • Triggered Notifications
  • Is compatible with Android and iOS
  • Includes dynamic Segmentation
  • Real-time Analytics
  • Offers Personalisation in the content of each notification 
  • Cart Abandonment Reminder

Pricing: Has a subscription-based model and offers four different plans: Free plan; Business Plan; Premium Plan, and Growth plan.

Target Market: News Media, Publishers (bloggers), Agencies, eCommerce, Travel, SaaS


Pushowl Web Push Notifications for Shopify Store


  • Web Push Notifications for Shopify Store
  • Native Opt-in
  • Multilingual Support for their global audience.
  • Cross-Platform Delivery, expanding your reach.
  • Seamless Integrations with other Shopify applications.
  • Customer support via chat and email.

Pricing: PushOwl has an impression-based model of pricing.

It offers three plans that can be monthly or annually: Starter, Business, and Enterprise.

Price example: 25Kimpressions/month, would equal $825 for Enterprise plan. 

Target Market: It has a main focus on retail, apparel & fashion; sales, and manufacturing

4. Choosing the Right Web Push Notification Platform

Selecting the right push notification platform depends on your business specific needs:

  • Scale of Operation: Consider whether the service can handle your volume of messages and user base.
  • Specific Features: Look for features like segmentation, personalization, and analytics capabilities.
  • Integration Needs: Ensure the tool integrates well with your existing tech stack.
  • Target Market: Make sure the web push notification platform you choose is most suitable for your business industries.
  • Budget: Consider the cost relative to the features and scale you require.

5. Conclusion

Web push notification tools are an effective digital marketing tool to scale your business growth. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, the right push notification service ensures your messages reach your audience at the right time and in the right context.

Laura Valero


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