Bidcom reached a 37x ROAS with automated Emails and Web Push Notifications from Frizbit

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Bidcom, an online retailer leader in consumer electronics, partnered with Frizbit to implement a retargeting strategy to recover abandoned carts. With a masterful combination of automated behavioural email and hyper personalised web push notifications campaigns, they managed to bring back 15% of their subscribers and reach a ROAS of 37x with a cost per session as low as 0,04€.

Bidcom Success Story!

We have put together a complete and comprehensive Case Study of Bidcom’s success working with Frizbit. We get into details on the challenge the client was facing, their needs, expectations and how Frizbit’s platform presented a new, top-notch digital marketing retargeting strategy as a solution. 

Email marketing has always been the favorite marketing channel to reach users and tackle the major issue online stores face: abandoned carts. Frizbit wanted to integrate this channel to Bidcom’s strategy to offer the best result possible. Behavioural automated emails offer a high level of personalisation by including relevant information like user name, product name, price and image. 

However, to create a bullet proof abandoned cart recovery strategy, automated web push notifications were the key ingredient. This new channel offered Bidcom the possibility to reach and engage visitors that didn’t fill any form or completed any type of registration on both desktop and mobile.

Bidcom is now retargeting even anonymous visitors through the entire shopping funnel with highly relevant messages that enhance user experience, focusing on cart abandonment recovery. 

The integration process is very simple as Frizbit’s team takes care of implementing via Google Tag Manager. With the ready-to-use templates, in just one day, clients can start sending campaigns as soon as they want, or they can choose to customise the messages, designs and timings to fit the brand’s identity as much as they desire. 

Request a demo

If you are interested in learning more about Bidcom’s success with retargeting email and web push notifications, download the case study by clicking here:

You can get in touch with Frizbit to request a demo and see the benefits it can present for your online business as well. 



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