Push Notifications

Push notifications are short messages that are sent to users' devices, such as smartphones or computers, by mobile apps or websites. They appear on the device's screen, even when the app or website is not open, and typically contain updates, alerts, or promotional messages from the app or website. Users can receive push notifications based on their preferences and settings within the app or website.


What are push notifications?


Push notifications serve as powerful tool for keeping users actively involved in a site or app, by reengaging their interest back to the purchasing funnel. This is beneficial because users who return to the site or app tend to make more purchases within it, and it costs less to bring them back compared to acquiring new users.

Receiving push notifications while inside the site or even when the user is not active makes them perfect for sending urgent messages such as breaking news updates, live traffic alerts, or time-sensitive offers.


How to turn on push notifications on a website?

To turn on web push notifications:

  1. Open the website.
  2. Look for a message prompt asking if you want to receive notifications.
  3. Click "Yes" or "Allow" to opt-in
  4. If you don't see a message, check for a bell icon or notification settings on the website.
  5. Click on it and follow the instructions to enable notifications.
  6. You may need to adjust your browser settings too depending on the browser.
  7. Once done, you'll start getting notifications from the website.


Types of push notifications

  1. Informational: Providing updates or news relevant to the user.
  2. Promotional: Offering discounts, sales, or special deals.
  3. Transactional: Confirming transactions or providing order status updates.
  4. Reminder: Notifying users about upcoming events or deadlines.
  5. Engagement: Encouraging users to take action within the app, such as completing a task or exploring new features.
  6. Personalised: Tailoring notifications to individual user preferences or behaviors.
  7. Urgent: Conveying time-sensitive information, such as emergency alerts or real-time updates.

These are just some of the most common types of push notifications. Make sure to always send personalised, time sensitive and relevant push notifications, ensuring high quality content to receive a higher engagement with users.
