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After receiving positive feedback for the key digital marketing insights from 2019 to 2020, we have decided to keep this up monthly. Updating you with the most recent trends, events and updates within the digital marketing world. In this post, we are covering all the important updates that took place in February, on the following topics:

  • Search Marketing Updates
  • Marketing Automation Updates
  • Content Marketing Updates
  • Social Media Marketing Updates

1. Search Marketing Updates

To start off, we will take a look at the Google algorithm updates of the previous month. 

Google Organic Update 

This update probably occurred around February 8th. Although it has not been fully confirmed, it is noteworthy as it stresses the fact that several updates happen on a regular basis which could (negatively) affect any website, yours too. The specific changes are not published yet nor discovered. However, there is a noticeable impact and Google has made a habit out of announcing algorithm updates after the actual implementation. It is recommended to keep an eye on this. While this time it was not a core update, Danny Sullivan, Google’s liaison, has implied there were some tweaks.

Google Ads Updates

See the impact of campaign changes on ads performances

A new feature which was introduced on February the 12th helps you to understand the impact of changes to an advertisement campaign in relation to the performance. By cross-referencing the dates of the changes and the performance data, such as the conversion rate, gives additional useful information.

Imagen de Frizbit

Google ads performance

Share remarketing lists

Users of Google Ads and their remarketing programme have since February 18th been able to share audience lists (a list of the people who have visited the website before) with the new feature. This means in case multiple people need access to the programme, a main Google ads manager can share authorisation over these audience lists. Which makes it easier to centrally control this programme and its remarketing efforts.

2. Marketing Automation Updates

A continuous growth in the marketing automation industry has shown a lot of potential as one of the most in demand tech solutions. But as new, popular markets evolve, changes are bound to happen. 

Chrome’s new v80 update

The version 80 of Chrome released on February 4th hugely impacted marketing automation, specifically web push notifications by means of blocking. In order to decrease unsolicited requests and spam, Chrome has outlined the proper ways to send the notifications and enforces it by having an automated system in place based on the ‘block’ and ‘opt-out’ rates. It comes with a new feature called the Quiet UI.

Another important feature is that Google started publishing Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) publicly. This means that anybody can access the accept/block rate of push notifications for any website.

3. Content Marketing Updates

Building a strong and desirable image in the eyes of the consumer by spreading the corresponding content is a vital part of retention. Although it can be hard at times as the consumers and trends are continually changing.

Video content

In the previous key digital marketing blog post, we saw the rising importance of video content. It is a highly engaging format and consumers even state they would want to see more video content of brands and businesses. Social media platforms such as TikTok, instagram and twitter have created the opportunity for businesses to spread their video content cost efficiently and without much effort. However, with an average of 300 hours of video content uploaded every minute to Youtube, generic advertisements get lost in the overwhelming amount of content. Just as personalisation could make difference on any other medium, it is no surprise it also applies to videos. 

Quora adds advertisement features

Two features have been introduced which facilitates companies with a way to keep track of conversions. Firstly, the Advanced Match utilises cookie-based matching to assess the value of your campaign on Quora. Very similar to the new Google Ads update, it contributes to more accurate reporting of the performance of a campaign. In addition, with the Conversion Windows advertisers can get a better understanding of the user behaviour in the period of time the customer gets converted into a e.g. customer or subscriber. With these additions Quora is becoming more advertisement friendly and adding value to the advertisers.

4. Social Media Marketing Updates

Read about the most important updates in the social media branch. What are the most popular platforms, tools and features?

The rise of TikTok

At the moment, with 500+ million active users, TikTok is a mobile app and social media platform for short videos. Mainly used by Gen Z and Millennials, the app has seen enormous growth. It was crowned to be the most downloaded app in 2018 and 2019, and has broken global records. With a large and still increasing number of users, TikTok is a refreshing new medium to market your products. Due to the popularity of it among the marketeers, the app has created a feature purposed for e-commerce while still catering to the target group in the same format. Although it is still experimenting with ways to monetise the content, it is predicted to have many possibilities in regards to advertisement.

formatos anuncios publicidad tiktok

 E-commerce on TikTok

Pinterest gains advertisement revenues

Just as any other platform which has undergone remarkable growth (for instance what is happening right now with TikTok), Pinterest has found ways to cater to businesses. Achieved with the help of measurement tools, the company accomplished to increase its predicted yearly revenue and engagement rate. This tool also provided advertisers with valuable information in order for them to analyse the customers in more detail.

These were the things that happened in Digital Marketing in February 2020. Also, read Digital Marketing Insights from January.

Ata Gur


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