Digital Marketing Updates July 2024

Welcome to the Digital Marketing Updates and News of July 2024! 📩

This month, we’re focusing on Google’s recent developments in Search Marketing, including their insights on internal linking strategies and the evolving role of heading tags in SEO. As Google continues to refine its algorithms, understanding these updates can significantly impact your SEO strategy and search rankings.

We’ll also cover the latest research highlighting the important role of AI in shaping keyword trends, offering marketers new ways to optimise their content strategies. 

Could this be the key to staying ahead in digital marketing? 🤔

Here’s a preview of the topics we will cover in this month’s edition:

Search Marketing Updates: Discover Google’s insights into improving SEO with internal links and heading tags, and learn how AI is shaping keyword trends.

Martech Updates: Explore WordPress 6.4’s new features and Meta AI’s integration with WhatsApp, which are set to enhance user engagement and content creation.

Social Media News: Learn about Pinterest’s AI-driven background generation tool and LinkedIn’s new sponsored newsletters, designed to boost brand visibility and engagement.

About Frizbit: Discover Frizbit’s latest innovations, including our TOROS recommendation system from our academic paper presented in Madrid, and the upcoming Magento plugin integration.

Let’s dive in into this month’s digital marketing updates

Search Marketing Updates:

1. Enhancing SEO with Google’s Latest Insights: Internal Links & Headings – directly from Google

Source: Google’s YouTube Channel

Optimising Internal Links and Heading Tags

Google has recently shared significant insights on improving SEO through effective use of internal links and proper structuring of heading tags (H1 to H6).

Internal links are not only crucial for guiding users through your content but also play a vital role in signalling the importance of pages to search engines. 

Google emphasises that strategic internal linking can enhance user experience and boost search rankings by creating a logical pathway through your website’s content.

In addition to internal linking, Google clarified the importance of heading tags. 

While traditionally, SEO best practices have suggested using a single H1 tag, Google has highlighted that multiple H1 tags can be used on a page without negatively impacting SEO, as long as they contribute to the logical structure and relevance of the content. 

Headings should primarily help search engines and users understand the hierarchy and context of the page content.

Key Highlights:

  • Internal Linking: Use internal links strategically to highlight important pages and improve user navigation.
  • Heading Tags: Flexibility in using multiple H1 tags; focus on structure and content hierarchy.
  • User Experience: Enhanced user journey through effective link placement.

Advice for Marketers:
Ensure your internal linking strategy is logical and user-friendly. Avoid excessive linking, which might confuse visitors. Use headings to clarify content structure, and ensure they align with the user’s search intent to improve both SEO and user experience.

2. Keyword Trends and AI in Search Marketing

Google AI Search Digital Marketing Updates
Source: Deposit Photos

Implementing AI for Better Keyword Insights

Recent research has confirmed the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in identifying keyword trends on Google.

In June 2024 for example, AI Overviews (AIOs) were activated 50% more frequently for keywords that included the word “best.” However, this trend appears to have shifted, as these phrases, especially when related to products, did not trigger AIOs in July. This change indicates a possible adjustment in Google’s algorithm, highlighting the dynamic nature of AI-driven search enhancements.

The research also identified several other keyword triggers that saw notable increases in AIO activation during June 2024:

  • “What Is” Queries: These queries experienced a 20% increase in triggering AIOs, reflecting a rising demand for informational content.
  • “How To” Searches: Queries beginning with “how to” increased by 15%, indicating a strong interest in instructional or tutorial content.
  • “Symptoms Of” Phrases: There was an approximately 12% rise in AIO triggers for searches containing the phrase “symptoms of,” highlighting a growing focus on health-related queries.
  • “Treatment” Keywords: Searches including the word “treatment” saw a 10% increase in AIO activations, further emphasising the trend towards health and wellness topics.

These trends underscore the importance of understanding how AI-driven tools influence search results and the need for marketers to continually adapt their strategies to align with changing user behaviours.

Jim Yu, founder and executive chairman of BrightEdge noted:

“There is no doubt that Google’s dominance remains strong, and what it does in AI matters to every business and marketer across the planet”

The study highlights that AI tools can analyse large volumes of search data to identify not only the most popular keywords but also more specific or niche terms that are often overlooked by traditional methods. These tools assist marketers in finding less competitive opportunities that can be more effective for reaching targeted audiences.

Moreover, AI provides insights into how keywords are connected to user search intent, allowing for the creation of content that is more aligned with what users are actually looking for. This not only improves search rankings but also increases the relevance and engagement of users with the content.

A key aspect of using AI is its ability to predict future changes in search trends, enabling businesses to stay ahead of competitors by adjusting their content strategies before these changes occur. The ability to quickly adapt to new search trends is crucial for maintaining competitiveness in today’s digital landscape.

Key Highlights:

  • Large-Scale Data Analysis: AI enables detailed analysis of extensive search data.
  • Niche Identification: Discovery of less competitive and more specific keywords.
  • Trend Forecasting: Ability to anticipate future changes in search trends.
  • Enhanced Connection with Search Intent: Creation of content that is more relevant and aligned with user expectations.

Advice for Marketers:
Embrace AI tools to gain deeper and more accurate insights into keyword trends. Keep your keyword strategy flexible and ready to adjust to new trends and consumer search behaviours. Use AI’s predictive capabilities to stay ahead of the competition and capture new marketing opportunities.

Martech Updates

1. Say ‘hello’ to WordPress 6.4: Enhanced Features for Developers and Users

Digital Marketing Updates: WordPress 6.4 Dorsey
Source: WordPress

The latest WordPress 6.4 release, named “Dorsey,” brings a suite of new features designed to enhance both the user and developer experience. 

This update introduces significant improvements to the block editor, allowing for more intuitive design and content creation. Users will find enhanced performance and accessibility features, making it easier to create dynamic and engaging websites.

WordPress 6.4 also focuses on improving site speed and efficiency, ensuring that both developers and end-users benefit from a smoother experience. 

These enhancements aim to streamline the workflow for content creators, allowing them to focus more on creativity and less on technical hurdles.

Key Highlights:

  • Block Editor: New capabilities for improved design and content creation.
  • Performance: Faster load times and improved site efficiency.
  • Accessibility: Enhanced features for a more inclusive user experience.

Advice for Marketers:
If you’re using WordPress, explore the new block editor enhancements to create more engaging content. Consider how these updates can streamline your workflow and improve site performance, helping you deliver a better user experience to your audience.

2. Meta AI and WhatsApp: Revolutionising User Interactions

Meta AI in WhatsApp - Digital Marketing News and Updates
Source: Meta

Meta has introduced a new AI feature for WhatsApp that is set to revolutionise user interactions. 

This AI-driven tool offers automated responses and smart suggestions, aiming to enhance user experience by making interactions more intuitive and efficient. Users can enjoy a more seamless communication experience, with AI handling routine queries and providing relevant information swiftly.

This innovation not only improves customer satisfaction by reducing response times but also allows businesses to maintain consistent engagement with their audience. 

By integrating AI, businesses can offer a more personalised and responsive service, fostering stronger customer relationships.

​​Key Highlights:

  • Automated Responses: Faster and more efficient customer interactions.
  • User Experience: Enhanced engagement through smart suggestions.
  • Business Advantage: Improved service quality and customer satisfaction.

Advice for Marketers:
Integrate AI capabilities in your communication strategy to improve customer engagement. Consider how automated responses can provide faster service and enhance user satisfaction, allowing your team to focus on more complex customer needs.

Social Media Updates

1. Pinterest Introduces AI Background Generation for Product Shots

Imagen de Frizbit
Source: Pinterest Engineering Official Medium Account

Pinterest has unveiled an innovative AI tool that allows users to generate dynamic backgrounds for product images. 

This feature is designed to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of product shots, providing users with creative ways to showcase their products. 

The AI tool enables the automatic creation of aesthetically pleasing backgrounds, helping brands stand out in the crowded digital marketplace.

This capability is particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses looking to enhance their product imagery without investing heavily in professional photography. By offering a range of background options, Pinterest helps brands maintain a fresh and engaging visual presence.

Key Highlights:

  • AI Backgrounds: Dynamic and visually appealing product imagery.
  • Cost-Effective: Enhances images without costly photography.
  • Engagement: Increases viewer attention and interest.

Advice for Marketers:
Utilise this tool to create visually striking product images that capture attention and drive engagement. Experiment with different backgrounds to find the most effective visual strategy for your brand, leveraging Pinterest’s AI technology to enhance your digital marketing efforts.

2. LinkedIn Launches Sponsored Newsletters

Imagen de Frizbit
Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn is expanding its content offerings with the introduction of sponsored newsletters. 

This feature allows businesses to reach their target audience with tailored content delivered directly to their inboxes. Sponsored newsletters provide an opportunity to foster deeper connections and engagement with subscribers, offering valuable insights and updates.

This new offering enables brands to draw on LinkedIn’s extensive professional network to share thought leadership content, promote services, and build stronger relationships with their audience. 

With precise targeting capabilities, businesses can ensure their newsletters reach the most relevant and interested readers.

Key Highlights:

  • Direct Reach: Engages audience with tailored content in their inbox.
  • Professional Network: Leverages LinkedIn’s audience for greater impact.
  • Brand Authority: Positions your brand as a thought leader.

Advice for Marketers:
Consider incorporating sponsored newsletters into your LinkedIn strategy. Create valuable content that resonates with your audience, leveraging LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities to reach the right readers and maximise your brand’s influence.

About Frizbit

1. Presenting TOROS: Our AI-Based Product Recommendation System Academic Research Paper in Madrid

Imagen de Frizbit

In July, we had the honour to present our academic paper on the AI-based Product Recommendation System, “TOROS: Target Oriented O(n) Recommender System,” at the FLINS-ISKE 2024 conference, held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 

TOROS is designed to enhance recommendation efficiency, providing faster and more accurate recommendations for our e-commerce clients. 

This system leverages advanced algorithms like Global Baseline Estimator (GBE) and K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) to deliver scalable solutions with O(n) complexity.

TOROS represents a significant advancement in AI-driven recommendations, allowing businesses to improve customer engagement and increase sales. 

By focusing on efficiency and speed, TOROS enables e-commerce platforms to offer timely and relevant product suggestions, enhancing the overall shopping experience for consumers.

Special thanks to our research team, led by Seda, and co-authors Ilhan, Tevfik, and Ata, for their dedication to innovation. We also extend our gratitude to ACCIÓ for their support through the TecnioSpring grant line.

2. Coming Soon: A New Magento x Frizbit Plugin Integration

Magento Plugin Integration Coming Soon

We’re excited to announce that a new Magento plugin integration with Frizbit is on the horizon. 

Whilst currently is undergoing on the validation phase, this plugin will soon be available on the Adobe Marketplace, offering a seamless one-click integration experience for our users. 

This development underscores Frizbit’s commitment to pioneering advancements in AI and digital marketing to help businesses achieve exceptional results.

Keep an eye on our blog for more insights and updates.

Don’t miss Frizbit’s monthly blogs and explore our latest Digital Marketing Updates and News!

Laura Valero


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