Quality Score

Quality Score is a metric rating used in online advertising platforms like Google Ads, assessing the relevance and quality of keywords, ads, and landing pages. It influences ad placement and costs in auctions, with higher scores correlating to lower expenses and better positions.


What is quality score?


Quality Score, employed in online advertising platforms like Google Ads, assesses the relevance and quality of keywords, ads, and landing pages. It's crucial in determining ad rank and cost-per-click (CPC).

Google's Quality Score (QS) assesses ad quality on a 1-10 scale.

A higher score implies better relevance than competitors, while lower scores signal areas for enhancement. QS reflects ad alignment with user needs, impacting ad performance.


How to improve quality score?

To boost Quality Score:

  1. Optimise Keyword Relevance: Use precise keywords matching ad content, apply SEO optimisation strategies for help.
  2. Improve Ad Relevance: Craft ads directly related to targeted keywords.
  3. Enhance Landing Page Experience: Ensure relevancy, user-friendliness, and fast loading.
  4. Increase Click-Through Rate (CTR): Create compelling ad copy to encourage clicks.
  5. Use Ad Extensions: Provide additional information to users with ad extensions.
  6. Avoid Negative Keywords: Exclude irrelevant search terms to refine targeting.


How to check Google Quality Score?

To check Google Quality Score:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Select the campaign or ad group you want to check.
  3. Click on the Keywords tab.
  4. Select the speech bubble beside each keyword to access its Quality Score.
  5. Alternatively, use Google Ads reporting tools to analyse Quality Score metrics at scale.
