SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

The SERP is what search engines show users in response to user queries. It showcases a collection of relevant websites, ads, and content associated with the search terms, comprising the most relevant, high-quality results, spanning both organic pages and sponsored advertisements.


What is a SERP?


What does SERP stand for?

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page.


Organic vs Paid SERP

  • Organic SERP refers to the listings that appear naturally on the SERP (Search Enginge Results Page) based on their relevance to the user's query, without payment from the website owner. These results are determined by SEO optimisation algorithms and typically include web pages, blog posts, and other content.
  • Paid SERP includes listings that appear on the SERP (Search Enginge Results Page) as a result of paid advertising. Website owners pay the search engine to display their ads for specific keywords or queries. These listings are often labeled as "Ad" or "Sponsored" and appear either at the top or bottom of the search results page, separated from the organic listings.


What are SERP features?

SERP features are elements displayed directly on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) beyond the traditional organic search results or paid ones. Some of them include:

  • Featured Snippets: These are short summaries of information displayed at the top of the search results, extracted from a webpage and aimed at answering the user's query directly.
  • Knowledge Panel: A panel displayed on the right side of the search results page, providing detailed information about a specific entity, such as a person, place, or organisation. It typically includes key facts, images, links to social profiles, and related topics.
  • Image Pack: This is a group of images displayed prominently within the search results, often appearing at the top of the page or within a carousel. It provides users with visual content related to their search query.
  • Top Stories: These are news articles or updates displayed prominently at the top of the search results page, providing users with the latest information on trending topics or current events.
  • People Also Ask: This feature presents a series of related questions related to the user's search query, allowing them to explore additional topics and find more detailed information.

Each of these features aims to enhance the user experience by providing relevant and useful information directly within the search results, helping users find answers to their queries more efficiently.
