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Hi again! Updating you with the most recent trends, events, and updates within the digital marketing world. In this post, we are covering all the important updates that took place in September.

1. Search Marketing Updates September 2020

Google Organic Algorithm Updates

September has been subject to a lot of volatility as many tracking tools showed erratic behavior. At first the SEO community didn’t interpret this as the early signs of a core algorithm update as the client rankings had not point in the same direction. However, things changed in a few days and the community started to talk about dropping rankings and even pages from Google’s Search Index.

In the end it turned out to be a bug related issue but the rankings have been volatile nonetheless.

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Free listings on shopping tab becomes available for Europe, Middle East and Africa

After its launch in the US earlier this year, free listings will be there for EMEA businesses on the shopping tab in mid-October. US businesses who used free listings to support their Google Ad campaigns saw an increase of 100% in views and 50% in visits.

That said, you don’t have to advertise on Google to have access the free listings. Retailers will be able to connect with more customers and customers will have more product options and easy access to them.

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Google Ads Updates

Dynamic YouTube Lineups With Contextual Targeting

Google puts machine learning to use to analyze each channel’s content. This allows them to create dynamic lineups of channels categorized by specific topics, cultural moments and popularity.

This will enable advertisers to scale their reach while keeping the viewer relevance as high as possible. Advertisers will now be able to find new customers that are seeking content that is aligned with the advertisers’ brand, product or service making the connection at the right time and the right place.

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Google gives the best example: “If you’re a home decor brand whose video ads on YouTube focus on redecorating, you can use dynamic lineups to show your ads in videos relevant to your business. These lineups may include videos of house tours, storage solutions, and home improvement projects.”

A recent Ipsos study showed ads based on consumer interest and intent caused 32% higher ad recall and 100% higher purchase intent.

2. Marketing Tech Updates September 2020

Referral Marketing

Word of mouth will yield the most outcome for most businesses when it comes to demand generation. Especially when cost of acquisition and ad spend is increasing year by year to make the market more competitive.

It’s the most authentic way you can increase your brand awareness and loyalty. If you can create a lot of advocates for your company this process will take care of itself. But there is a way to accelerate it. Instead of creating a whole plan and acquiring the resources internally to implement it, you can utilize a software to do it for you.

There are many ways to do it:

  • Creating gift cards to be shared online
  • Launching referral programs
  • Gathering reviews

The most important thing is to find a supplier that easily integrates with your platform and help you A/B test different tactics and show you the results with analytics.

Criteo Dives Deep Into Analytics

Retargeting ad company Criteo announced they’ll have 2 new dashboards and a new reporting tool in their suite.

The Audience Explorer dashboard will provide an exclusive dataset about recurring shopping patterns and the categories and the brands that your existing customers are most interested in.

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The Audience Performance Report allows you to compare different segments by size, reach, exposure, purchasing power and gender oriented items to optimize target audiences and campaigns.

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The new Shopping Journey Dashboard gives how different audiences move through your funnel. This is great for coming up with different tactics and see how much they move a group from one step to another.

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3. Social Media Marketing Updates September 2020

TikTok introduces Duets

Another feature was introduced by TikTok that will increase the engagement levels and the community feel. YouTube and Instagram introduced short content features lately to keep up with TikTok. But TikTok has kept their foot on the pedal with new features.

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These were the things that happened in Digital Marketing in September 2020. You can also read all updates on Digital Marketing Insights page.



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